Sunday, November 8, 2009


Hey everybody,

This post will be short. It will take too long to upload all the pics of Venice here. So I'll show some here and 2 videos. Then go check out my facebook for all the other pics.

OK so after being in Rome for a few days I went to venice.
(photo credit of Wikipedia)

That's Venice, its in the northeast of Itay. Its about 100+ small islands all connected by small little bridges. No cars on the roads, just people walking all over. If you need to get somewhere kinda far well you have to catch the water taxi or if you live there ride your boat. Venice is very nice, all the building have tonsss of detail. You can take 100 pics of one building because there is so much to see. I stood in Venice for 3 days and enjoyed myself completely. Lots of foreigners and lotss of walking. O yea and lots of getting lost. You look at the map and say, "Ahhh ok just go to next block make a right and I'm at the church"................nop you follow the directions and majically end up right back where you started lol. It got kinda frustrating at times because I couldnt figure out what I was doing wrong. But the trick is that Venice is like a city of alleyways. So the street you would need to turn on is so small you would just walk right past it.Well I think thats all I have to say for now :) Check out the videos below.

View from my bedroom-

View from bell tower in San Marco Sqaure-

If you haven't already go check out the pics on my facebook or myspace.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

First days

Ok, so some of you might know my computer was kinda messed up for awhile so I havent been able to upload pics,vids etc.. Well its back up and workin so here it is.

The first days I got here, my roommate said he was goin to throw a lil party to welcome me. He invited some of his friends but only some of them spoke english, so I was abit nervous to meet them but excited. So here are a few pics of the day of the party.

First in the mornin we needed to go out of town abit to a chocolate store were u can buy blocks of chocolate. Here's the wallart outside the store.

(the helmet is because we took the scooter)

After Getting the chocolate we headed to a girl named Eliza's house. Her mom cooked the food for the party so we had to go pick it up. She lives kinda far in a nice area with a great view.

Driving up to Eliza house-

View from close to her house-

On our way back home from picking up the food-

Once gettin home the food needed to be warmed up and served.

Sitting around waiting for the people to show up was gettin me soo nervous lol. Anways the door bell rang and people starting showing up. Everyone got comfortable and ate plenty of food. I got only to talk to some of the people, since not everyone spoke english but overall it was good night and everyone was nice and welcoming to me.

Here's some names and pics-names from left to right

Francesca, Domizia (in black), Piero, Giovanni, Stefania

Luigi, Daniela (his sister)- bf of Eliza, & Eliza (her mom cooked the food)

Luca, Francesca, and Angelo lol

That's about all that happened that night. Smiled big and tried to talk with people :) Now that its been a whole month since Ive been here these people are now friends :P
There are more people who weren't able to come to the little party that I have meet since then and become friends with. You will see more pics of them as time goes on.

Well that's all for this postin, took a few weeks to get up but its done now :) I'll get started on the next post, plenty more to share.

-Angel D.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gone Far Away

Jeeezz keepin a blog is kinda hard.

OK ok - as most of u guys know - I left the country. Here's where I'm at
(click pic to see it better)
Rome, Italy

-It took about 12 hrs to get from Jersey to Italy.

8 hrs from NJ then to the UK. Then 2 hrs for layover time. Then another 2 hrs from UK to Rome.

Sounds abit crazy but the flight, food & entertainment were all good, so no complaints. I flew British Airways, and I would recommend it lol. It was the first time I ever been on a big big plane like in the movies. You know the ones with 2 rows and individual tvs.

Ok, so I land, get picked up by roomate and head to my new home, and then I slept lol nothin too excitin on the first night

Here's some pics :P

-Mirror shot miles high in the sky lol

OOOOOOooooooOOOOO yea when we got home I was hungry, so of course the first thing I ask for that is quick and easy to eat is

LOL sad right

I was excited to eat some good doughy saucy peperoni pizza MMMmmmmmmMM.......... not

This is the pizza here- not all are rectangles, but most are thin crust, not much sauce :( and cheese- O well, I still ate it :P Its good but it's not Franchello's lol

So that's all that happened the first night, Sept 14.

Here's a lil vid of the drive home from airport, and when I say little vid, I mean like 8 seconds lol enjoy-

I have tons of pics and videos to upload I just need to get a moment to actually sit down and do it. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get more post done with pics, then I'll upload more pics to myspace, facebook etc. :P

Well, it's 2:30am right now- time for sleep

-Buona notte
(good night)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bday Pickup

Hi to anyone who reads or check out my blog. Today is my bday :) 22- yikes! lol Thats kinda gettin up there in age. But whatever.... I can cry about that later :P

So I have no real plans for today..... I never make plans for anything, I usually just go through my day and get texts about parties etc. Well I'll see what happens tonight. Party or not, I'll enjoy the day; its the day I was born and I've made it to 22 :) I'm happy enough for that.

O and this entry is called Bday pickup because -1. it's my bday- and 2. because I kind of dropped this blog for awhile so I'm picking it back up now.

I have mayb 2 entries I will post soon- tomorrow or the next day- just some pics about lil trips I did few weeks ago :) so be sure to bookmark my blog or check back often :)

- Well that's all for now :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Beginning of it all!

Hey guys,

This is my first post on my travels. Hopefully there will be many many more to follow in the future. :)


That's me jumping off Ricks Cafe cliff, pretty scary stuff once your actually up there about to willingly jump to what could be your death lol OK OK lets go back a few days before cliff jumping.

The Sunset Beach Resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica!

(from left to right)
That's where Mike, Jackie, Dan, Becky, Sarah, Jenni, Me, Scott, Rob, Kacy, Doris, Drew, Ferrin & Carol vacationed from May 19-25th. (that makes 14 of us)

The place was nice, food was good, swim up bars were great- what made the trip crazy nice was the all inclusive drinks :D let me say that again


that called for trouble :)

The staff was great
Clifton & Shanique are the best workers there.

Since I only knew four of the 13 people on the trip getting to kn
ow the rest of people was pretty interesting and cool. Everyone was chill and hilarious which made the trip O so much better :)

While chillen poolside we met 2 girls from Wales, named Lauren & Natty. Really cool girls, fun to listen to them talk since they have an accent.

Here's 2 ladies we met from Kentucky named- Tammi & Sam.

There was plenty of things we did while in Jamaica, there was snorkeling, kayaking, jet skiing, cliff diving (as you seen in the video) chillen, tanning, relaxing, shopping, eating, drinking,bonfires, music shows, tennis, late night drunk volleyball lol hey even a nude beach to go on if you desired.

Overall the trip to Jamaica was great! :) I got to meet new people and make new friends :)


If your interesting in seeing ALL the photos from Jamaica, click on my myspace page link on the right side of page.