Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Beginning of it all!

Hey guys,

This is my first post on my travels. Hopefully there will be many many more to follow in the future. :)


That's me jumping off Ricks Cafe cliff, pretty scary stuff once your actually up there about to willingly jump to what could be your death lol OK OK lets go back a few days before cliff jumping.

The Sunset Beach Resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica!

(from left to right)
That's where Mike, Jackie, Dan, Becky, Sarah, Jenni, Me, Scott, Rob, Kacy, Doris, Drew, Ferrin & Carol vacationed from May 19-25th. (that makes 14 of us)

The place was nice, food was good, swim up bars were great- what made the trip crazy nice was the all inclusive drinks :D let me say that again


that called for trouble :)

The staff was great
Clifton & Shanique are the best workers there.

Since I only knew four of the 13 people on the trip getting to kn
ow the rest of people was pretty interesting and cool. Everyone was chill and hilarious which made the trip O so much better :)

While chillen poolside we met 2 girls from Wales, named Lauren & Natty. Really cool girls, fun to listen to them talk since they have an accent.

Here's 2 ladies we met from Kentucky named- Tammi & Sam.

There was plenty of things we did while in Jamaica, there was snorkeling, kayaking, jet skiing, cliff diving (as you seen in the video) chillen, tanning, relaxing, shopping, eating, drinking,bonfires, music shows, tennis, late night drunk volleyball lol hey even a nude beach to go on if you desired.

Overall the trip to Jamaica was great! :) I got to meet new people and make new friends :)


If your interesting in seeing ALL the photos from Jamaica, click on my myspace page link on the right side of page.

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