Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bday Pickup

Hi to anyone who reads or check out my blog. Today is my bday :) 22- yikes! lol Thats kinda gettin up there in age. But whatever.... I can cry about that later :P

So I have no real plans for today..... I never make plans for anything, I usually just go through my day and get texts about parties etc. Well I'll see what happens tonight. Party or not, I'll enjoy the day; its the day I was born and I've made it to 22 :) I'm happy enough for that.

O and this entry is called Bday pickup because -1. it's my bday- and 2. because I kind of dropped this blog for awhile so I'm picking it back up now.

I have mayb 2 entries I will post soon- tomorrow or the next day- just some pics about lil trips I did few weeks ago :) so be sure to bookmark my blog or check back often :)

- Well that's all for now :)

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