Sunday, November 8, 2009


Hey everybody,

This post will be short. It will take too long to upload all the pics of Venice here. So I'll show some here and 2 videos. Then go check out my facebook for all the other pics.

OK so after being in Rome for a few days I went to venice.
(photo credit of Wikipedia)

That's Venice, its in the northeast of Itay. Its about 100+ small islands all connected by small little bridges. No cars on the roads, just people walking all over. If you need to get somewhere kinda far well you have to catch the water taxi or if you live there ride your boat. Venice is very nice, all the building have tonsss of detail. You can take 100 pics of one building because there is so much to see. I stood in Venice for 3 days and enjoyed myself completely. Lots of foreigners and lotss of walking. O yea and lots of getting lost. You look at the map and say, "Ahhh ok just go to next block make a right and I'm at the church"................nop you follow the directions and majically end up right back where you started lol. It got kinda frustrating at times because I couldnt figure out what I was doing wrong. But the trick is that Venice is like a city of alleyways. So the street you would need to turn on is so small you would just walk right past it.Well I think thats all I have to say for now :) Check out the videos below.

View from my bedroom-

View from bell tower in San Marco Sqaure-

If you haven't already go check out the pics on my facebook or myspace.

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